Hubby and I love burgers and we only get to eat them if we buy them or have them at restaurants. Sometimes, just for a quick fix, we'll just get the typical 'Ramli' burger which is a famously sold at almost every nook & corner in the country.
Then, I came across this recipe of home made burger patties and thought....this would be much healthier and a nice change for dinner.
So, here's the recipe that I wanted to share. My apologies for not updating anyting lately as life been really hectic for me for the last month or so......
- 500g lean mince beef
- 1 cup breadcrumbs
- 1 onion, chopped finely
- 2 tbsps chopped parsley
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 tbsps smoked hickory BBQ sauce
- 1 tsp fine salt
- 2 tsps grated black pepper
- 1 tbsp oil
- burger buns to serve
1. In a large bowl, combine beef, breadcrumbs, onion, parsley, egg yolk, BBQ sauce and salt & pepper. Mix well and shape into patties.
2. Heat oil in a Grill Frypan over a medium-high fire.
3. Grill burgers for 4 mins on side or until cooked.
4. Serve hot with burger buns.
You made add it with some fries on the side. I also added to the burger bacon slice with lettuce and tomato slices and believe me; it tasted really yummy!!!!